Places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms

Friends are you travelling to Shiridi and are looking for places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms? Well this information below might help you!

Places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms with distance chart

When it comes to places to visit near Shirdi, Maharashtra, here are the top 10 recommendations:

PlaceDistance ( Kms )
Shani Shingnapur70 Kms
Nashik95 Kms
Aurangabad110 Kms
Bhandardara130 Kms
Grishneshwar100 Kms
Ajanta Caves190 Kms
Ellora Caves100 Kms
Lonavala and Khandala200 Kms
Matheran230 Kms
Trimbakeshwar125 Kms
  1. Shani Shingnapur: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Shirdi, Shani Shingnapur is famous for its unique Shani temple, where the deity is worshipped in the form of a black stone without a roof or a temple structure.
  2. Nashik: Situated around 90 kilometers from Shirdi, Nashik is a sacred city known for its temples and as the wine capital of India. It is home to the famous Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple and hosts the Kumbh Mela every 12 years.
  3. Aurangabad: About 110 kilometers from Shirdi, Aurangabad is renowned for its historical and cultural significance. It is the gateway to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Ajanta and Ellora Caves, which feature ancient rock-cut Buddhist, Jain, and Hindu cave temples.
  4. Bhandardara: Situated approximately 100 kilometers from Shirdi, Bhandardara is a scenic hill station nestled in the Sahyadri mountain range. It offers picturesque views, lush greenery, serene lakes, and the famous Wilson Dam.
  5. Grishneshwar Temple: Located near Ellora Caves, around 120 kilometers from Shirdi, Grishneshwar Temple is one of the 12 Jyotirlinga shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva. It holds immense religious importance and attracts devotees from all over.
  6. Ajanta Caves: Located around 150 kilometers from Shirdi, Ajanta Caves are UNESCO World Heritage Sites renowned for their exquisite rock-cut Buddhist cave paintings and sculptures dating back to the 2nd century BCE to the 6th century CE.
  7. Ellora Caves: Situated approximately 160 kilometers from Shirdi, Ellora Caves are another UNESCO World Heritage Site known for their magnificent rock-cut caves. The caves showcase a fusion of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain art and architecture.
  8. Lonavala and Khandala: These twin hill stations are located around 180 kilometers from Shirdi and offer beautiful landscapes, lush green valleys, mesmerizing waterfalls, and scenic viewpoints. They are popular weekend getaways from nearby cities.
  9. Matheran: Situated approximately 235 kilometers from Shirdi, Matheran is a charming hill station known for its vintage charm and being Asia’s only automobile-free hill station. It offers stunning viewpoints, toy train rides, and tranquil surroundings.
  10. Trimbakeshwar – A pilgrimage center near Nashik and is one of the 12 jyotirlingas temple

These are a few of the many wonderful places to explore near Shirdi.

Places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms

So friends here are in details my list of top 10 places to visit near Shirdi with in 200Kms

Shani Shingnapur

Number one in my list of Places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms is Shri Shani Shingnaur.

Shani Shingnapur is a small village in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India, around 70 kilometres from Shirdi.

Shani Shingnapur - Places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms

It’s notable for the Shani Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Shani, the deity of justice and karma.

This temple is remarkable in that it has no roof or walls, and the god is set on a stone platform.

The village is also known for having no doors or locks on its houses or shops, as the locals believe Lord Shani protects them against robbery and other crimes.

The temple attracts worshippers from all around the country, particularly on Saturdays, which are considered good days for Lord Shani.

Shani Shingnapur is a must-see location for anyone interested in experiencing Maharashtra’s rich cultural and spiritual legacy.


Nashik, in Maharashtra, India, is a city rich in cultural and historical significance.

Known as the “Wine Capital of India,” it boasts a flourishing wine industry and is home to numerous vineyards and wineries.

Hence Nashik is one of the must visit places in the list of places to visit near shirdi with in 200Kms.

Nashik is also renowned for its religious importance, housing the famous Kumbh Mela, a major Hindu pilgrimage site.

The city’s ancient temples, such as the Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple and the Kalaram Temple, attract devotees and tourists alike.

Nashik’s picturesque surroundings, with the Western Ghats and the Godavari River flowing through, offer breathtaking landscapes and opportunities for nature enthusiasts.

With its blend of spirituality, natural beauty, and wine culture, Nashik captivates visitors from around the world.

Below are some places you can visit in and around Nashik

  1. Trimbakeshwar Shiva Temple: Located around 30 km from Nashik, this ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is one of the 12 Jyotirlingas in India.
  2. Sula Vineyards: A popular destination for wine lovers, Sula Vineyards offers wine tours, tastings, and stunning views of the vineyards and surrounding hills.
  3. Pandavleni Caves: These ancient rock-cut caves, situated around 8 km from Nashik, date back to the 1st century BC and provide insights into Buddhist art and architecture.
  4. Anjaneri Hills: Known as the birthplace of Lord Hanuman, these scenic hills offer trekking opportunities and panoramic views of the Nashik region.
  5. Dudhsagar Falls: Located near Nashik, these magnificent waterfalls cascade down from a height of around 10 meters, creating a mesmerizing sight.
  6. Panchavati: A sacred area in Nashik, Panchavati is believed to be the place where Lord Rama spent time during his exile. It is home to several temples and lush green gardens.
  7. Someshwar Waterfall: Situated amidst the beautiful forests of the Western Ghats, this waterfall is a tranquil spot for nature lovers and picnickers.
  8. Coin Museum: Nashik is home to the Indian Institute of Research in Numismatic Studies, which houses a fascinating collection of coins from different eras, making it a unique attraction.
  9. Muktidham Temple: This marble-clad temple complex showcases replicas of various important Hindu pilgrimage sites and is known for its architectural beauty.
  10. York Winery: Another renowned winery near Nashik, York Winery offers wine tastings, tours, and a restaurant with panoramic views, providing a delightful experience for wine enthusiasts.


Aurangabad is a city rich in history and cultural heritage.

If you are travelling to Aurangabad below are some must visit places.

  • Bibi Ka Maqbara: Often referred to as the “Mini Taj,” Bibi Ka Maqbara is a mausoleum built in memory of Aurangzeb’s wife. It bears resemblance to the Taj Mahal and is an architectural gem.
  • Daulatabad Fort: Situated atop a hill, the Daulatabad Fort offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is known for its formidable defense systems and historical significance.
  • Aurangabad Caves: Dating back to the 6th and 7th centuries, the Aurangabad Caves are a group of Buddhist caves known for their intricate carvings and serene ambiance.
  • Panchakki: A water mill built in the 17th century, Panchakki is an engineering marvel that used water to generate energy. It also houses a beautiful garden and a mosque.
  • Jayakwadi Dam: Located on the Godavari River, the Jayakwadi Dam is a popular picnic spot. It offers boating facilities and serene views of the reservoir and surrounding nature.
  • Siddharth Garden and Zoo: A lush green garden and zoo, Siddharth Garden is a perfect place to relax and enjoy nature. The zoo houses a variety of animals and birds, making it an ideal spot for families.
  • Salim Ali Lake and Bird Sanctuary: This tranquil lake is a haven for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. It is home to a wide variety of migratory and resident birds, providing a delightful experience for bird lovers.

These top attractions in Aurangabad showcase the city’s rich historical, architectural, and natural heritage.


Bhandardara is a small hill station in the Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, India, around 90 kilometres from Shirdi.

It is located at an elevation of 750 metres above sea level and is recognised for its peaceful and serene atmosphere.

The town is surrounded by lush green hills, flowing waterfalls, and beautiful lakes, making it a favourite destination for environment enthusiasts and adventure seekers.

Bhandardara is home to a number of tourist sites, including

  • Bhandardara Lake
  • Wilson Dam
  • Arthur Lake
  • Randha Falls, and
  • Kalsubai Peak, Maharashtra’s highest peak.

Trekking, camping, fishing, and boating are also available in the town.

Bhandardara is a perfect place for anyone seeking a tranquil and refreshing respite from the city’s hustle and bustle.


Grishneshwar Temple is located in the Maharashtra district of Aurangabad. It is one of Lord Shiva’s famed 12 Jyotirlinga temples.

The Linga in this temple faces east and is almost 3000 years old. Lord Grishneshwar and his consort Grishneshwar are included in the sanctum sanctorum.

The Grishneshwar Temple is open to anyone, however men must be bare-chested to enter the Garbhagriha (the main shrine containing the Shiva Linga).

This is also one of India’s unique Jyotirlingas where worshippers can touch the Shiva Linga with their bare hands.

The temple building is in the South Indian style, and it is considered one of the most sacred places to visit in Aurangabad.

The Grishneshwar Temple’s five-tiered shikhara is magnificently carved and built in the traditional temple construction style.

The current form temple was established in the 18th century by Queen Ahilyabai Holkar of Indore after it had been rebuilt multiple times.

Ajanta Caves

The Ajanta Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site, are an architectural marvel located in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, India.

Dating back to the 2nd century BCE and 5th century CE, these ancient Buddhist caves are renowned for their exquisite rock-cut architecture and stunning murals, making them a treasure trove of Indian art.

Carved into a horseshoe-shaped cliff along the Waghora River, the Ajanta Caves consist of 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave temples.

These caves served as prayer halls, monasteries, and retreats for Buddhist monks.

The intricate detailing of the sculptures and the vibrant colors of the frescoes depict various scenes from the life of Buddha, Jataka tales, celestial beings, and everyday life during that era.

The Ajanta Caves also showcase the evolution of Indian art and architecture, with influences from Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain traditions.

The craftsmanship and skill exhibited in the sculptures, pillars, and ornate doorways are a testament to the artistic brilliance of the ancient craftsmen.

Exploring the Ajanta Caves is a fascinating journey through time.

The play of light and shadows within the caves adds to the mystical ambiance, enhancing the overall experience.

To preserve the delicate artwork, the caves have restricted access, and photography without flash is permitted in selected areas.

The Archaeological Survey of India has made efforts to protect and conserve these historical treasures, allowing visitors to appreciate their beauty and gain insights into the country’s artistic and spiritual past.

A visit to the Ajanta Caves is a must for history enthusiasts, art lovers, and those seeking a deeper understanding of India’s ancient civilizations.

It is an awe-inspiring destination that showcases the artistic genius and cultural legacy of bygone eras.

Ellora Caves

The Ellora Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site, are a remarkable testament to India’s rich cultural heritage and architectural prowess.

Located near the city of Aurangabad in Maharashtra, these caves represent a unique synthesis of Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain art and architecture.

Carved out of solid basalt rock, the Ellora Caves consist of 34 monastic caves and temples spanning a period from the 6th to the 10th century.

The caves are divided into three distinct groups – Buddhist caves (1-12), Hindu caves (13-29), and Jain caves (30-34).

This diversity of religious influences is a striking characteristic of the Ellora Caves.

Each cave showcases intricate carvings, ornate sculptures, and magnificent architectural features.

The Buddhist caves depict the life and teachings of Buddha, while the Hindu caves are dedicated to deities like Shiva, Vishnu, and Durga.

The Jain caves showcase the Jain Tirthankaras and intricate motifs related to Jainism.

One of the most famous structures within the Ellora Caves is the Kailasa Temple, an architectural marvel.

Carved from a single massive rock, it is the largest monolithic structure in the world.

The temple complex features intricate carvings, pillars, and sculptures, showcasing the mastery of the artisans who crafted it.

Visiting the Ellora Caves offers a glimpse into India’s ancient past and the harmonious coexistence of different religious beliefs.

The level of detail and artistic finesse exhibited in these caves is awe-inspiring, leaving visitors marveling at the skill and creativity of the artisans who worked on them.

The Ellora Caves are not just a visual delight but also hold great historical and cultural significance.

They provide a valuable window into the religious and artistic landscape of ancient India, attracting tourists and scholars from around the world.

Exploring the Ellora Caves is a captivating journey through time, where one can witness the magnificence of India’s architectural heritage.

Lonavala and Khandala

Lonavala and Khandala, located in the Sahyadri mountain range of Maharashtra, India, are popular hill stations known for their scenic beauty and pleasant climate.

Here are the top tourist places to see in Lonavala and Khandala:

  1. Tiger’s Leap: This cliff-top viewpoint in Lonavala offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and lush greenery. It is named after its resemblance to a leaping tiger.
  2. Bhushi Dam: A popular spot for picnics and recreational activities, Bhushi Dam is known for its cascading waterfalls and serene surroundings. Visitors can also enjoy splashing in the flowing water.
  3. Karla Caves: Located near Lonavala, the Karla Caves are ancient Buddhist rock-cut caves dating back to the 2nd century BCE. They showcase intricate carvings, ancient Buddhist architecture, and offer panoramic views of the surrounding hills.
  4. Rajmachi Point: This viewpoint in Lonavala offers stunning vistas of Rajmachi Fort, the surrounding valleys, and the sunset. It is a favorite spot among nature lovers and photographers.
  5. Duke’s Nose: A prominent cliff in Khandala, Duke’s Nose is named after its resemblance to the Duke of Wellington’s nose. It provides a panoramic view of the Sahyadri mountain range and is a popular spot for trekking and rock climbing.
  6. Lohagad Fort: Situated near Lonavala, Lohagad Fort is a historic hill fort known for its architectural grandeur and panoramic views. It offers an adventurous trekking experience and a glimpse into Maharashtra’s rich history.
  7. Wax Museum: Lonavala’s wax museum houses lifelike wax statues of famous personalities from various fields, including Bollywood stars, historical figures, and world leaders. It is an entertaining attraction for visitors of all ages.
  8. Amrutanjan Point: Located in Khandala, Amrutanjan Point offers breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys and the Mumbai-Pune Expressway. It is an ideal spot for nature walks and enjoying the cool breeze.
  9. Lonavala Lake: A picturesque lake surrounded by hills, Lonavala Lake is a serene spot for boating and enjoying the scenic beauty. It is a perfect place to relax and unwind amidst nature.
  10. Kune Falls: Situated near Khandala, Kune Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in Maharashtra. It cascades down from a height of around 200 meters, creating a mesmerizing sight. Visitors can enjoy the beauty of the falls and indulge in photography.

These attractions in Lonavala and Khandala offer a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and recreational activities, making them popular destinations for tourists seeking a tranquil escape or an adventurous getaway.


Matheran, located near Mumbai around 230 Kms from Shirdi, is a small hill station in Maharashtra’s Raigad district that is great for getting away from the hustle and bustle of the large city.

It is especially stunning during the monsoon season, when the neighbouring waterfalls are at their roaring finest and the deep forests are verdant and lush.

Matheran has a lot to offer in terms of fun and exciting things to do, especially if you enjoy nature and adventure.

The hill station, famous for its 38 tourist spots, has various attractions that provide a plethora of options to participate in the best activities.

Below are the top 12 things to do in Matheran .

  • Dodhani Waterfalls – A nice place for Waterfall Rappelling 
  • Rambagh Point – A good view point for Sunset views
  • Chanderi Caves – A good place for trekking
  • Charlotte Lake – A nice place for picnic and trekking
  • Porcupine Point – beautiful sunset point
  • Louisa Point – Good view of the valley
  • Kalavantin Pinnacle – A nice trek
  • Ambarnath Shiv Temple – Take lords blessing
  • Irshalgad Fort – an old must visit fort
  • Little Chowk Point
  • Neral-Matheran Toy Train – A beautiful journey


Trimbakeshwar is a tiny town in Maharashtra, India, around 30 kilometres from Nashik and around 130 Kms from Shirdi.

It is well-known for its ancient Trimbakeshwar Temple, which is devoted to Lord Shiva and one of India’s 12 Jyotirlinga temples.

The temple is famous for its one-of-a-kind architecture, beautiful carvings, and spiritual importance.

The village is situated near the headwaters of the Godavari River, which is revered as one of India’s holiest rivers.

Every year, a huge number of pilgrims visit Trimbakeshwar to offer prayers at the temple and to bathe in the sacred waters of the Godavari River.

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Places to visit near Shirdi

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