Shore Temple Mahabalipuram and the legend of “Seven Pagodas” – Friends Mahabalipuram, a smal town 60Kms from Chennai is a very historical town. A town which finds its mention in almost all the travel books of the travellers of that time.
Mahabalipuram’s original name is Mamallapuram .
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And the Mamallapuram Shore Temple was built during the reign of Pallavan monarch Rajasimha/Narasimhavarman II, and it is the earliest significant structural temple in South India.
But do you know that in ancient times all the travellers refered to these temples as the ” Seven Pagodas of Mamallapuram :
Shore temple Mahabalipuram
Hiuen Tsang ( 7th century CE ) mentioned about this place and also mentioned that this city had a very big sea port.
Marco Polo in his travel diary mentioned about “Seven Pagodas of Mamallapuram ” a name which stuck to the cluster of the Shore temples among the European traders and cartographers as well. In 1375 me , in the Catalan Atlas Abraham Cresques also called this as the “Seven Pagodas”
So this menas that there must have been seven temples around this area.. but today we see ony one , what happed to others ?
People say that 2004 after tusnami water receeded by many kms and people noticed the remains of temples below sea level

Now how other temples got lost in the water, is a topic of research, but you can understand how grand these temples would have been that they find their mention in travel records of every travellers of that time.
So these temple would definitely had been a great attractin of those time and this shore temple is a great toursit attractino today Temple are architecture is just amazing ..
How to reach Shore temple Mahabaplipuram:
The temple is around 60Kms from Chennai and 350 Kms from Bangalore.
From Bangalore it takes aoround 7 to 8 hours to reach Mahabalipuram and the temple.
The roads are very good throughout with lots of food options on the way.
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This is amazing. Did not know of this story